Melissa Randol is the Executive Director of the Missouri School Boards’ Association. Prior to being named the Executive Director for MSBA in 2015, Randol served the association for more than 20 years in various roles, including General Counsel, Deputy Executive Director, and state and federal lobbyist. She also serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the MSBA FutureBuilders Foundation.
Randol earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Economics and Accounting from Missouri State University and her Juris Doctor from the University of Missouri-Columbia.
Randol serves the education community in a number of roles, including former Chair of the Missouri Education Roundtable; officer of the Missouri Securities Investment Program; chair of the Missouri Bar Committee on Citizenship Education; co-chair of the Show-Me School-Based Health Alliance; co-chair of Local Leaders Partnership; Missouri Rural Development Partnership Board Member; Executive Director Liaison to the National School Boards Association; and a member of the National School Boards Action Center’s Advisory Committee.