Summer Training Institute 2023

We look forward to seeing you at the JAG-Missouri Summer Training Institute in St. Charles.  This training is required for all JAG-Missouri Specialists.  New Specialists will arrive in time to begin mid-morning on Wednesday, July 26.  The New Specialists will meet as a group through late morning on Thursday, July 27.  All specialists will meet beginning at 10 a.m. on Thursday, July 27, and continue until early afternoon on Friday, July 28.

A full agenda and background material will be provided prior to the training.  The cost is $750 per person, which includes the meetings, meals and special events.  You/your school is responsible for covering mileage and the hotel (hotel link below). These expenses will be reimbursable from JAG funds – see the note below.  Administrators are welcome to attend, if they wish. 

Note:  If you plan to seek reimbursement for your registration fee from this year’s grant, you must register, pay and submit reimbursement invoice by May 15.  The mileage, hotel and other expenses can be reimbursed on next year’s grant, which will go into effect July 1, 2023.

New Specialist Dinner – Wednesday, July 26

The New Specialists will have a special group dinner Monday, July 26.  We hope all New Specialists will attend and bring an adult guest, if they wish.  The cost of the event is included in your registration fee.  New Specialists will be contacted for their RSVP and the name of their one guest (if applicable) prior to the training.

Special Event – Topgolf on Thursday, July 27

Back again by popular demand, our group activity Tuesday, July 27, will be a buffet dinner and time at Topgolf in Chesterfield.  Round-trip transportation will be provided from the hotel to Topgolf via charter bus.  The cost of the event is included in your registration fee.  You are welcome to attend and bring one adult guest, if you wish.  It is important that we have an accurate RSVP for those who want to attend, so please indicate that on your registration form.

Summer Training Institute Site:  St. Charles Convention Center
1 Convention Center Plaza in St Charles, MO 63303

The 2023 Summer Training Institute will be in the St. Charles Convention Center.  The facility is large and well-equipped to accommodate our group, from large meeting space, to breakout rooms, to audio-visual equipment, to food service, and more.  We are excited to have scheduled it.

Host Hotel: Embassy Suites by Hilton St. Louis St. Charles
2 Convention Center Blvd in St Charles, MO 63303

Embassy Suites in St. Charles will be our host hotel.  The Embassy Suites is connected to the St. Charles Convention Center, which will be convenient for all.  The Embassy Suites provides free parking, free breakfast, and free late afternoon reception.  We have reserved a block of rooms for the nights of Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (July 26, 27 and 28).  The group rate this year is $179 plus appropriate taxes/fees.  You are not required to stay here, but I ask that you consider it, primarily for your convenience, but also to help us fulfill the terms of our agreement with the hotel. The deadline for making your reservation at the group rate is June 26, 2023, but please do not wait that long to make your reservation. 

To get the group hotel rate, you MUST book your reservation by following this link.

Remember, you will be responsible for paying for your room nights, which may be reimbursed through your grant for next year (2023-24).  Also, remember to bring your school’s tax-exempt letter.  Again, I hope you will use the official hotel, but for your convenience, we are providing a PDF listing of hotels in the general area of the St. Charles Convention Center.

Your next steps:

  1. Complete the form below to register. All specialists and administrators from the same school can be registered at one time by filling out the form below by May 15, if you plan to submit for reimbursement by June 8 for Fiscal Year 23, which is recommended. Or, submit no later than June 15, if you don’t plan to seek reimbursement until next fiscal year.
  2. Reserve your hotel accommodations. Use THIS LINK to receive the group rate at the Embassy Suites by June 26. Your hotel reservation MUST be made separately from your STI registration.